Friends of the O-Train

Friends of the O-Train is transit group composed of a number of community leaders, rail and transit experts, and concerned taxpayers. Our goal has been to present practical rapid transit options for the National Capital Region, for open discussion with anyone.
Email: friendsoftheotrain (at)

Our Plan at a Glance

Dedicated Electric LRT from Bayview to Hurdman on 3 minute service.
This would require approximately 50% more electric vehicles to be purchased from Siemens, currently pegged at 22. We believe Siemens will like this idea.
Remove all buses from Albert and Slater, deploying them locally to provide better neighbourhood service.
Large transfer hubs at Bayview and Hurdman, with commercial stores and services available.
Expanded (not replaced) Diesel O-Train service using existing track to a park and ride at Earl Armstrong Rd.
Improved 7.5 minute O-Train frequency from South Keys to Bayview (15 minutes from Earl Armstrong).
Savings of $340 Million to be used for expansion East, West, South and North to Gatineau.


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